Sunday, February 2, 2014

Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan

Published: July 2012
Publisher: Harper Teen
Pages: 352
Copy: Library
Summary: Goodreads

Readers who love vampire romances will be thrilled to devour Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan. Team Human celebrates and parodies the Twilight books, as well as other classics in the paranormal romance genre.

Mel is horrified when Francis Duvarney, arrogant, gorgeous, and undead, starts at her high school. Mel’s best friend, Cathy, immediately falls for the vampire. Cathy is determined to be with him forever, even if having him turn her could inadvertently make her a zombie.

And Mel is equally determined to prove to her BFF that Francis is no good, braving the city’s vampire district and kissing a cute boy raised by vampires as she searches evidence in this touching and comic novel.

'Team Human' is a very silly novel, but Oh it was so much fun!  When I say 'silly' though, I mean humorously silly - I laughed out loud several times.  Even woke my husband up last night - unfortunately, he was not amused.

Mel - whose name is NOT Melanie -  was a spunky character.  Unsure of what she wants in life and happy to coast along with her friends.  She's a fierce friend though, always there when needed.  I loved her relationships with Cathy, Anna and Ty.  Francis was an absolute hoot - a vampire with absolutely no sense of humour.  He's a bit of a parody really.  The best and worst of other fictional vampires we love to love, and hate.  My favourite character though was Kit.  A human brought up by a 'shade' of vampires.  I'd love to meet him, he was just so understanding.

Kit's vampire 'mother' is also a vampire cop and a member of the ZDU or Zombie Disposal Unit.  Yep, guess what happens to you if you don't transition properly into a vampire?  You got it! You become a zombie.

Larbalestier and Brennan, some of whose previous works I've read and loved*, make a great time this time around.  They have some fabulous world building going on, which includes wonderful explanations for things - see zombies above - and a couple of mysteries for our characters to solve.  All in all, just great laugh out loud fun.  If you're looking for a quick, funny read, you won't go wrong with this one.

* Sarah Rees Brennan - The Demon's Lexicon Trilogy
Justine Larbalestier - How to Ditch Your Fairy

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